Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Three ways Christians can make a difference

I had the opportunity to attend a lecture at Arkansas State University that dealt a very difficult and controversial subject. The topic of the lecture was the compatibility of Evolution and the Christian faith.
The young lady presenting did a good job of articulating her passion that science and Christianity do not have to be at odds with one another over this particular issue. And I was happy to speak with her afterwards and hear her affirm her belief in the resurrection of Christ. At this point I won't address the content of the lecture. But I did want to describe my general impressions that I took away from the presentation, and how I believe what I experienced is instrumental in helping us advance the gospel of Christ.

James 4:6 says "But He gives more grace. Therefore it says "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble."

As Christians we are not called to segregate ourselves from the culture, the sciences, the arts, or any aspect of life. There are three important concepts we must remember when we are challenged to proclaim the gospel in these arenas.

1. We must maintain a posture of humility. Humility isn't timidity or weakness. But rather it is a quiet strength that comes from a clear understanding of the difference the gospel of Christ has made in our lives. With an understanding of who we are in Christ, we can be content knowing that we do not have to 'know' everything. And that humility should encourage us to study, work, and diligently apply the knowledge we do have always guided by the truth that our capacity to learn is not finite.

2. For the Christian, there is no secular/sacred divide. For many who would claim to be a part of the Christian church, the mistake is often made that 'church' is just something that happens on Sunday, but has no real impact on the rest of their lives. However the New Testament knows nothing of a cultural Christianity alone. If we are to truly represent the difference Christ expects us to make in the world, we must be engaged with every aspect of society.

3. We must work to seek first to understand if we are to be understood. Far too many Christians make assumptions about what others believe, and we often lump groups of people together with sweeping generalizations. In order to make a greater impact on others we must be willing to develop relationships with others, even with those with whom we disagree.

I believe it is God's intention that we make a difference in the world. In order to do so we must continue to be the 'salt and light' that Jesus says we are. There are many challenges in the culture and in the world but God by His grace calls us to demonstrate the love of Christ on a daily basis. This begins with a clear understanding of "Who we are in Christ" which moves us to "What we do for Christ" May our activity as Christians always follow our identity as Christians.

"But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who ask you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect."-1 Peter 3:15 

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