Monday, July 13, 2015


There is a temptation to isolate ourselves from others. We live in a time where isolation and individualism have become very popular, we only surround ourselves with people who are like us and agree with us. 

However what is popular isn’t always right, and it certainly isn’t biblical. When we isolate ourselves from others we diminish our influence and we diminish the power of God in our hearts and lives. In Acts two the Bible reports that on the day of Pentecost, the disciples were “Together”, they weren’t by themselves. Far too many have reduced Christianity to a private religion, but having just a private religion diminishes our public power in Christ. 

Often the reasons we tend to isolate ourselves have to do with underlying heart issues. In our hearts we have unconverted pride and arrogance that keep us from exposing ourselves to light of a community of believers. But exposure leads to restoration. Instead of covering up our brokenness we need to learn to live a life that models brokenness restored by the grace of God. This happens in the context of a community of believers connected to one another. When we change our position we change our condition, the position that we should seek is one of openness that says to Jesus and to others “I am need of God’s grace, and I am need of connection to others.” 

May we not simply seek to cover things up cosmetically, but may we be willing to submit to the love of Christ and to the love of others by humbly practicing repentance from the underlying heart issues that impact our lives and relationships. God has placed all of us in the church, but we can be there physically and miss being “together” in the truest sense of that word. May we worship Jesus in unity today as we continue to “plug-in” and get connected to Christ and each other.

 What are some of the barriers to connecting with one another?

How do we overcome them?Are there underlying “heart issues” in your life that would be exposed in the light of the community of believers? What are they?

How does being connected to other believers help you receive power in surrendering all of your life to Christ?

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